What is Print on Demand (POD) Publication ?

As the name suggests, print on demand publishing is a service that allows you to get your book printed as per the requirement without having to maintain an excess stock of already published books. It lets you generate your supply as per the demand, which in turn reduces your chances of suffering a loss.
How does print on demand book publishers in India work?
Print on demand technique is more of a distribution model rather than a publishing model. It works totally on the principle of demand and supply. Digital printing comes into the picture whenever we talk about on-demand printing. So here's how on-demand printing works at Book rivers:
1. The author gets the manuscript ready
2. Quality checks and editing is done
3. The book is sent for printing
4. The number of printed copies depends solely on the demand
.Why choose Book Rivers for on-demand printing?
Print on demand book publishing is much more comfortable and faster than traditional printing. Earlier, authors and publishers were more into offset printing because it allows you to bulk print your book and store it before selling. However, with the continually increasing number of authors and books, it is difficult to predict the demand for a book before its actual sales.
So what on-demand printing does is, it puts up the book on online stores like Flipkart and Amazon, after which the orders are placed and based on the number of pre-orders, the printers print and deliver the book to the readers. An additional benefit to print on demand at Book Rivers is that it allows your book to get an exposure to the international market, whereas the conventional approach allows only physical copies to have limited exposure.
So authors, what are you waiting for! Get your book printed on demand and in a limited budget via on demand printing with Book Rivers
Book Rivers self publishing in India provide on demand book prinitng services on best price.