For any academic, getting their research paper published is a difficult task. A strong publication record is essential for landing post-doctoral jobs and positions. Many academics in their early careers believe that it is difficult to overcome the obstacles and publish their first piece, but there is no secret to becoming published. Instead, there are several methods and steps to succeed.
The following are the 7 steps which an academic must follow to have their research published.
Step 1: Determine the specific research field that interests you.
The first step in having a research paper published is to find out the field of your interest in which you want to explore and carry on your research. This is important as doing research is difficult. It involves a significant amount of hard work and dedication. It also involves spending hours in labs conducting experiments, reading books on similar phenomena, and thinking over the outcomes.
Step 2:Make sure that the research is original and groundbreaking.
The research topic needs to be original, and there must be reasons as to why you want to investigate that particular topic.You must also find out what other researchers in the field have published on the topic. Before beginning the research, importance should be given to the literature review as it is essential for a research. It means that much time should be spent on planning the research than actually conducting the experiments.You must not rush into doing anything practically until everything is planned well. If you are carrying out research in the field chosen for the first time, then always seek the advice of any senior colleague or a friend. In academic research, rookie errors are frequent, which lead to significant time and resource loss.
Step 3:Before starting your research, you must predetermine where you want to publish your paper.
Step 4: Select a Journal Publication which meets your requirements.
This step is essential as inappropriate journal selection leads to outright rejection for publications, even if the research paper contains excellent and meticulous scientific research. Check out the research paper publishers who have already published your topic or similar to it. Find out the journal’s impact factors. This will give you a good understanding of the journal’s quality and the challenges you might encounter while trying to have your paper accepted.
Step 5: Keep an eye on acceptance and rejection rates of the journal publication.
The acceptance and rejection rates are inversely related to the value of the impact factors. If you want your paper to be published quickly, choose a journal publication that offers speedy processing. Before submitting your research paper, consider all the publication charges and plan accordingly.

Step 6: Prepare a powerful cover letter.
In the cover letter, mention the name of the publisher you are sending your paper for publishing. Include your contact details in case they want to discuss or tell you anything related to your research paper. Cover letters are important as they create a first impression on the editors. Your letter should be impressive as that can set the tone for the subsequent review process and also fulfill your objective for research paper publication in India.
Step 7: Submit Your Work in the appropriate manner.
Nowadays, you can mail your paper to the journals of your choice. Some publications do not accept papers through mail, so in that case send your work physically i.e. through courier(Include an envelope with your physical submission, in case you want your academic research paper returned.)
The expert team at BookRivers is here to support and guide you in getting your academic research paper published hassle-free.
How we do it :
- We provide a unique ISBN to every academic research paper.
- We are an Open Access Publication – Anyone can freely download from the BookRivers website.
- The academic holds the ownership & Copyright of his work.
- There is no limit on the number of pages that can be published.
- You get a permanent and cite-able web link to your academic research paper on the BookRivers website.
- We Index & Promote your Work – Your work is accessible from major indexing services like Google Scholar.
- We provide a free professional cover design & high-quality print copy – Anyone can order the print version of your paper.
Wait no more send/mail your academic research paper(wordfile) to and get it published in no time.
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