Gauri Bhatnagar
My Name is Gauri Bhatnagar. I Completed my Graduation in 2017 and Started working as an H.R while Continuing my Studies.I also Started preparing for a government job exam, but unfortunately, The Covid -19 pandemic disrupted my plan.than I joined Communication Mastery in of Mr. Rahul Bhatnagar... This Course also helps me a lot because we have a community and this course is related to personal Growth, financial and also good mindset... Which is best for everyone... So in the meantime I joined the Course and was also doing a job and writing a book.Despite the Challenges, I continued to Search for a job and eventually landed on an internship and then a job opportunity at Tanishq. However due to Some personal issues, I had to quit my job and take a break from work. I resumed my studies in the year 2022 and am Currently Pursuing a Master of Mass Communication ( Journalism) While also Teaching Tuition on the side. I have experience as well in the Sales Department. During this time, I also started writing my book that I had been planning for two years. Writing is my Passion and through my book, I aspire to inspire people to Connect with Nature to live a fulfilling Life. I strongly believe that when people connect with Nature, their perspective towards life changes and it positively impacts them, helping them Feel less depressed I know how it feels to be depressed, and so I don't want anyone to be in such a situation therefore, it is essential to love and take care of ourselves first before we can love and Take care of others..
Thank u so Much... My dear Friends
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com
- +918******9