Dr. Nikunj Thakkar
Associate Professor
Dr. Nikunj Thakkar B.A.M.S., M.D. PhD. (Ay), hailing from Raipur, Chattisgarh. He has completed her under-graduation from College Of Ayurved Bharatividyapeeth Deemed University,Pune .Post-graduation from the esteemed institution SDM College of Ayurved and Hospital ,Udupi and PhD. from Parul Institute of Ayurved ,Vadodara,He is currently working as Associate professor, Department of Kayachikitsa,Shree RMD Ayurved College and Hospital, Wagaldhara, Valsad, Gujarat.He has published many articles in various indexed & UGC approved journals.He has presented numerous papers in different National & International seminars.
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