Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor-III
Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Singh is working as Assistant Professor-III in Dept. Of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Amity University Lucknow Campus. He is Ph.D. in Electronics and M.Tech. in Electronics Design and Technology.
He has 19 years of teaching experience at B.Tech. and 17 years of teaching experience at M.Tech. Level. Dr. Singh has successfully guided Ph.D. scholar too.
He is Senior member IEEE, member IET-UK and IEANG. He is also Editorial Board and Reviewer Board member of SCI and Scopus Journals.
He has delivered more than 15 technical lectures at different platforms. Dr. Singh has organized International Conference and National Workshops at Amity University. He has more than 50 Research papers published in International Journals and more than 60 papers presented in International and National Conferences, Seminars and Workshops all over India. His research area is Signal Processing and Internet of Things.
- xxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com
- +919******5