Dr. Irshad Ahmad Itoo
Assistant Professor
Dr. Irshad Ahmad Itoo is an Assistant Professor in English at Chandigarh University with specializing
in Linguistics, American Poetry, and British Drama. At present, Dr. Irshad is performing his duty as
research coordinator of English Language and Literature since February 2023. In 2016 he was
awarded doctorate degree after successfully defending his thesis on Psychological and Confessional
Manifestation in the Poetry of Anne Sexton. Dr. Itoo has an impressive track record of publications,
conferences, workshops and FDPs. Besides, he has chaired number of sessions and has also
completed various course certificates programs from world famous institutions like University of
Michigan and Clayton Christensen Institute. Moreover, Dr. Itoo is sharing his experience, knowledge
and research insights as an Assistant professor since March 2016.
- xxxxxxxxxxxxx@cumail.in
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