Dr. Anurodh Banode
Currently working as Assistant Professor in School of Studies in Business
Management, Shaheed Mahendra Karma Vishwavidyalaya Bastar,
Jagdalpur Dist- Bastar (C.G)
Industrial Exposure: Overall, 8 Years of Industrial Experiences and Worked
with CMIE Mumbai, VRPL Raipur, Navbharat Explosives Ltd, Subsidiary
of Volvo Company and Absolute Knowledge Group.
Academic Exposure: Having more than 10 years of Academic Experiences.
Worked with Samadhan Mahavidyalaya, Pragati Empower Pvt. Ltd.,
Shaheed Mahendra Karma Vishwavidylaya, Bastar Jagdalpur.
- xxxxxxxxx@yahoo.com
- +919******2