Dr. Adithyan M D
Dr. Adithyan M D, hailing from Thrissur, Kerala. He completed his Bachelor of
Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Sri Jayendra Saraswati Ayurveda College,
Nazarathpet, Poonamallee, Chennai, Tamilnadu in 2021. Furthering his education, he pursued
a Master of Ayurvedic Medicine (M.D.) in Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant from the Parul
Institute of Ayurved, affiliated with Parul University in Vadodara, Gujarat.
He finished his Vedic Studies in Rigveda Samhita, Padapatha, Kramapatha, Jatapatha,
etc from Vadakke Madham Brahmaswam, Thrissur, Kerala. He has made significant
contributions to the field of Ayurved, having published 01 article in international, Scopus
indexed journal. Additionally, he has presented more than 04 papers in various Notional and
International Seminars and Conferences and actively participated in over 12 conferences,
workshops, and seminars. With over 3 years of clinical experience from Baroda Ayur bhavan
Clinic he has gained valuable expertise in his field.
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com
- +918******3