Dr. Daya B. Dayal
Dr. Daya Brajeshwar Dayal was Controller of Examinations at National Board of Examinations, New Delhi. He was Prof. & Head of Forensic Medicine at Army College of Medical Sciences, Delhi. He is Post Graduate Diploma holder in Journalism and Mass Communication. Had schooling from St. Xavier's-Michaels at Patna. Was office bearer of College Teachers Association and College Student Union. An auditioned artist at All India Radio and Door Darshan Kendra as Anchor, Compeer, News Reader and Actor having acted in the lead roles of three teleplays telecast by DDK. He won Best Debater Rotary awards, Best Singer , Motor Gymkhana and Car Rallies awards. He wrote weekly column under the pen name of "Aries" on "The Times Of India" newspaper. He contributed chapters in Books . A multifaceted personality!
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